Physical medicine and rehabilitation are services that can help people regain body functions they lost due to medical conditions or injury.
Rehabilitation can help many body functions, including bowel and bladder problems, chewing and swallowing, problems thinking or reasoning, movement or mobility, speech, and language.
Many injuries or medical conditions can affect your ability to function:
Children may need rehabilitation services for:
Physical medicine and rehabilitation services also include sports medicine and injury prevention.
A patient can have rehabilitation in many settings. It will often begin while they are still in the hospital, recovering from an illness or injury. Sometimes it begins before someone has planned surgery.
After the patient leaves the hospital, treatment may continue at a special inpatient rehabilitation center. A patient may be transferred to this type of center if they have significant orthopedic problems, burns, a spinal cord injury, or severe brain injury from stroke or trauma.
Rehabilitation often also takes place in a skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation center outside of a hospital.
Many people who are recovering eventually go home to continue their therapy. You may visit the office of your physical medicine physician and other health professionals. Sometimes, a therapist will come to your home. Family members or other caregivers must also be available to help.
The goal of rehabilitation therapy can be small or large. A patient may need to learn how to take care of themselves as much as possible, especially to do tasks such as eating, bathing, using the bathroom, and moving themselves from a wheelchair to a bed.
They may need to restore full function to one or more parts of their body.
Rehabilitation experts use many tests to evaluate a patient’s problems and monitor their recovery.
The patient may need a full rehabilitation program and treatment plan to help with medical, physical, social, emotional, and professional problems. The rehabilitation focus often goes beyond the part of the body that was injured, in order to help the patient recover.
The patient may need:
Family and caregivers may also need help adjusting to their loved one’s condition and knowing where to find resources in the community.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation is a team approach. Team members will be doctors, nonphysician health professionals, the patient, and their family or caregivers.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors receive 4 or more extra years of training in this type of care after they have finished medical school. They are also called physiatrists.
Other types of doctors that may be members of a rehabilitation team include neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, psychiatrists, and primary care doctors.
Nonphysician health professionals may be occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech and language therapists, social workers, vocational counselors, nurses, psychologists, and dietitians or nutritionists.